The Ultimate Guide on How to Join a Podcast Network: Unlock Podcast Success

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Joining a podcast network might feel like a big step, but it’s easier than you think. If you’ve been working hard on your podcast and want to reach a bigger audience, a podcast network could be the solution. A podcast network helps podcasters like you by offering more exposure, resources, and support. But  How to Join a Podcast Network. It’s not as complicated as it seems. You just need know to what is the exact process to join a podcast network. Let’s Pros and cons of joining a podcast.

How to Join a Podcast Network

How to Join a Podcast Network.


A podcast network is like a group or community of different podcasts under one roof. It helps podcasters by providing them with resources, support, and sometimes even sponsorships. When a podcaster joins a network, they become part of a larger team, which makes it easier for them to grow. Networks help promote the podcasts they manage, making it easier for the shows to reach new listeners.

In simple terms, a podcast network helps you connect with others, offers tools to improve your show, and gives you a chance to earn money.

Also read: Tips for How to Create a Podcast Network

What is a Podcast Network?

A podcast network is like a group of podcasts that work together under one organization. Think of it as a club for podcasters. When someone joins a podcast network, their show gets support from the network, which can help with things like promotion, sponsorships, and marketing.

The main goal of a podcast network is to grow its collection of podcasts while helping each show become more successful. By being part of a network, podcasters don’t have to do everything alone. The network helps them reach more people, get better deals with advertisers, and sometimes even provides tools to improve their show.

In return, the network usually takes a part of the earnings, like ad revenue, or asks for certain content guidelines to be followed. But the biggest advantage is that you get to be part of a bigger team that helps your podcast stand out.

How Many Types of Podcast Networks

There are mainly three types of podcast networks you should know about:

  1. Ad-Supported Podcast Networks
    These networks focus on helping podcasters make money through ads. They connect your podcast with sponsors and handle the ad placements. In return, they take a share of the revenue. This type is great for podcasters who want to start earning through advertising without dealing with sponsors directly.
  2. Content-Focused Podcast Networks
    These networks care more about the content quality and audience engagement. They often bring together shows with similar themes. By joining, you can collaborate with other podcasters and get creative support. This type is ideal for podcasters who want to improve their content and reach a dedicated audience.
  3. Independent Podcast Networks
    Independent networks are smaller and usually run by individual podcasters or small groups. They often provide a community for podcasters to share ideas and resources. This type is perfect for podcasters who want support without the pressure of big advertising deals or giving up creative control.

Benefits of Joining a Podcast Network

Joining a podcast network has several benefits that can make a huge difference for podcasters.

  • One of the biggest advantages is exposure. Networks promote the podcasts they manage, helping shows reach a larger audience. For example, when a podcast like Call Your Girlfriend joined a network, it got featured across multiple platforms, which brought in new listeners. Being part of a network can boost your visibility without having to spend extra time on marketing.
  • Another benefit is monetization. Podcast networks often help secure sponsorships for their shows. This means podcasters can earn money from ads without having to hunt down sponsors themselves. A great example is My Favorite Murder, which, after joining a network, got access to better sponsorship deals, allowing them to focus more on content creation and less on financial worries.
  • Support is also a big perk. Networks often provide tools, resources, and guidance to improve your podcast. They might offer editing help, better hosting platforms, or even legal support. The Wondery network, for instance, gives its podcasters access to professional production services, making their shows sound more polished.
  • Lastly, being part of a podcast network means community. You get to connect with other podcasters, share ideas, and collaborate. This can lead to cross-promotions, where one show mentions another, helping both grow.

Pros and Cons of Joining a Podcast Network

Pros of Joining a Podcast Network

  1. Increased Exposure
    A podcast network can help your show reach more people. They often have a bigger audience and marketing power, which helps your podcast grow faster. It’s a great way to get more listeners without doing all the promotion yourself.
  2. Monetization Opportunities
    Networks can connect you with sponsors and advertisers. This means you can start making money from your podcast more easily. Many networks have deals in place that you might not get on your own.
  3. Support and Resources
    Being part of a network gives you access to helpful resources like editing, production, or even guest bookings. Some networks also offer advice to help you improve your show. This makes podcasting easier, especially if you’re just starting out.

Cons of Joining a Podcast Network

  1. Revenue Sharing
    One downside is that networks usually take a percentage of your earnings. This means you’ll have to share the revenue from ads or sponsorships. It’s important to know how much they’ll take before signing up.
  2. Loss of Creative Control
    Some networks might want control over your content. They could ask for changes to your show format or ask you to follow specific guidelines. This can limit your creative freedom if you prefer doing things your way.
  3. Exclusivity Requirements
    Many podcast networks require you to be exclusive. This means you can’t join other networks or work with outside sponsors. If you prefer having flexibility, this can be a disadvantage.

When Should You Consider Joining a Podcast Network?

You should consider joining a podcast network when you’re ready to grow your show but feel stuck doing it alone. If you’ve already built a small audience and want to reach more people, a podcast network can help. They promote your show and help get it in front of new listeners. For example, if your podcast has been around for a while but isn’t growing as fast as you’d like, joining a network could give you the boost you need.

Another reason is if you’re struggling to find sponsors. Networks have relationships with advertisers and can secure deals for you. This takes the pressure off finding ads yourself, allowing you to focus more on creating content. So, if monetization feels overwhelming, it might be time to join a podcast network.

Lastly, if you feel like you need extra support, like help with editing, marketing, or production, a podcast network can provide those resources.

How to Choose the Right Podcast Network for Your Show

Choosing the right podcast network for your show is important. You want a network that matches your podcast’s style and goals.

  • First, look at the niche of the network. Does the network focus on the same type of content as your podcast? For example, if you run a true crime podcast, joining a network like Wondery—which focuses on storytelling—would be a good fit.
  • Next, think about the benefits the network offers. Do they provide marketing help, sponsorships, or editing support? Some networks give a lot of resources, while others don’t offer much. Make sure you understand what you’ll get in return for joining.
  • Also, check the requirements. Some networks expect you to release episodes regularly or meet certain listener numbers. Others may ask for exclusivity, meaning you can’t work with other networks.
  • Yes, you can choose the right podcast network based on revenue, but it shouldn’t be the only factor. Some networks offer better opportunities to earn money through sponsorships, ads, or even revenue sharing from listener donations. If making money is a big goal for your podcast, you’ll want to join a network that has strong connections with advertisers.
    For example, networks like Midroll and AdvertiseCast are known for helping podcasters secure ad deals that bring in steady income.

Steps to Join a Podcast Network

  • Research Podcast Networks
    The first step is to look for podcast networks that match your show’s theme. If you host a business podcast, look for networks that focus on business. This makes it easier for the network to market your show. Doing proper research helps you find networks that fit your style and goals.
  • Create a List of Potential Networks
    After researching, make a list of networks that could be a good match. Check what they offer, like sponsorship deals or marketing help. Also, see what they expect from you in return, such as regular episodes or a certain number of listeners. This helps you compare options and choose wisely.
  • Prepare Your Podcast
    Before reaching out to a network, make sure your podcast is in good shape. This means having consistent episodes, good audio quality, and a clear show format. Networks want podcasts that are ready to grow, so a well-prepared show has a better chance of getting accepted.
  • Create a Pitch
    You need to pitch your podcast to the network. In your pitch, explain why your show is a good fit for them. Include your listener stats, the show’s main theme, and why people enjoy listening. Keep it short and professional. A strong pitch helps you stand out from the crowd.
  • Submit Your Podcast to the Network
    Follow the network’s submission guidelines carefully. Some networks have online forms where you can upload your details. Others may ask for an email. Make sure to send everything they request, like episode samples or data on your listeners. This helps the network review your show faster.
  • Review Their Offer
    If a network is interested, they’ll send you an offer. This is the time to look closely at the details. Check how much control you’ll have over your podcast and how revenue will be shared. Some networks might want exclusive rights, so be sure to read everything before deciding.
  • Sign the Agreement
    Once you’re happy with the offer, you can sign the agreement. Make sure you fully understand all the terms before signing. This is a big step, so take your time to review everything. After signing, you’re officially part of the network and can start benefiting from their support.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Join a Podcast Network

  • Not Researching Networks Properly
    A big mistake is jumping into a network without checking if it’s a good fit. You should always research the network to see if it matches your podcast’s niche. Joining a network that doesn’t align with your content can hurt your chances of success. Make sure the network fits your style, audience, and goals.
  • Sending a Poor Pitch
    Some podcasters send pitches that are too long, unclear, or lack important details. A poor pitch can get you ignored. Keep your pitch short, clear, and focused on why your podcast is valuable. Include your listener stats and explain why your show would be a good fit for the network.
  • Ignoring Submission Guidelines
    Not following the submission process is a common mistake. Every network has specific guidelines for submitting your podcast. Some ask for episode samples, listener numbers, or a specific format. Skipping these details or not reading the instructions properly can get your submission rejected.
  • Not Having Consistent Episodes
    If your podcast isn’t consistent, networks won’t take you seriously. Networks want podcasts that regularly release new episodes. If you have gaps or irregular schedules, fix that first before applying. Consistency shows the network that you’re reliable.
  • Overlooking Contract Terms
    Signing an agreement without reading the fine print can be dangerous. Some networks ask for exclusivity, meaning you can’t work with others. Others take a large share of your revenue. Always read the contract carefully before agreeing to anything.

Alternatives to Joining a Podcast Network

  • Self-Promotion
    Instead of relying on a network, you can promote your podcast on social media. Use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to share your episodes. You can also join online communities or podcast forums to spread the word. This helps you grow your audience on your own terms.
  • Collaborate with Other Podcasters
    Another way to grow your podcast is by collaborating with other podcasters. You can guest on their show, or they can guest on yours. This cross-promotion helps you reach their audience, and they get exposure to your listeners. It’s a win-win without needing a network.
  • Find Sponsors on Your Own
    Instead of waiting for a network to bring sponsors, you can find them yourself. Look for businesses that fit your audience and pitch your podcast directly. Many brands are open to working with smaller podcasts if the fit is right. This gives you control over the ads you choose.
  • Crowdfunding or Donations
    You can also fund your podcast by setting up crowdfunding through platforms like Patreon or using a donation service like Buy Me a Coffee. Your loyal listeners may be willing to support your show financially, allowing you to keep producing episodes without network involvement.
  • Focus on Podcast Directories
    Make sure your podcast is listed on all major platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. These directories have millions of listeners, so being visible there can help you grow. You don’t need a network to take advantage of these platforms.


Joining a podcast network can be a great way to grow your show. It gives you access to more listeners, helps you find sponsors, and provides useful resources. However, it’s important to choose the right network and understand what you’re giving up, like revenue sharing or creative control.
If you’re serious about expanding your podcast, take time to research, pitch carefully, and review all the terms before signing up. Weigh the pros and cons to make the best decision for your show.

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